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Should I Request the Officer for the DMV Hearing?

Apr 16, 2015

Clients will ask us if they should request the officer for the DMV Express Consent hearing. We usual...

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Contest Validity of DUI Traffic Stop

May 23, 2013

New Law Allows Driver To Contest Validity of DUI Traffic Stop At DMV License Revocation Hearing The...

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The Persistent Drunk Driving Act of 1998

Dec 28, 2011

As a consequence of The Persistent Drunk Driving Act of 1998, the Persistent Drunk Driving Committe...

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Alcohol Awareness Courses

Dec 27, 2011

Depending on the circumstances surrounding a DUI or DWAI charge, a court may sentence the convicted...

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CSPD and other Government Agencies Turn Up the Heat

Dec 10, 2011

In an effort to curb the number of instances of DUI and DWAI instances, police departments and other...

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BAC Machines in Colorado Springs

Dec 06, 2011

Many of us had, at one point or another, found ourselves at a restaurant or out at a bar at night af...

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Facing Assault Charges with a Defense Attorney

Nov 23, 2011

No matter which state you live in, a conviction on assault charges can bring about some very serio...

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Battling Domestic Violence Charges with a Colorado Defense Attorney

Nov 22, 2011

Domestic violence charges can be levied by the prosecution even when no serious injuries occurred. ...

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Drug Possession is a Serious Charge That Requires a Good Defense Attorney

Nov 19, 2011

Depending upon the amount of drugs found on your person, in your car or on your property, you could ...

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