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Criminal Defense

What Are the Legal Consequences of a DWAI Conviction in Colorado Springs?

What Are the Legal Consequences of a DWAI Conviction in Colorado Springs? Colorado has a thriving tourism industry and a history of liberal marijuana laws, but it’s also a rural state, which means long distances and long drives. State law specifically prohibits driving even with a slight buzz, whether from alcohol or drugs—that’s the meaning […]

What Are the Legal Consequences of a DWAI Conviction in Colorado Springs? Read More »

Are There Diversion Programs for First-time Underage DUI Offenders in Colorado?

How Can a Diversion Program Help First-Time Juvenile DUI Offenders Get Back On the Right Track? Diversion programs in Colorado offer a valuable opportunity for first-time underage DUI offenders to avoid the severe consequences of a criminal conviction. These programs are designed to provide rehabilitation and education rather than punishment, reflecting a more compassionate approach

Are There Diversion Programs for First-time Underage DUI Offenders in Colorado? Read More »

What Are the Differences Between DWAI, DUI, and DUI-D Charges in Colorado?

What is the Importance of Understanding the Different Categories of Impaired Driving Charges in Colorado? In Colorado, the legal landscape for impaired driving is defined by three primary charges: Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI), and Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUI-D). Each charge has distinct legal thresholds, penalties, and

What Are the Differences Between DWAI, DUI, and DUI-D Charges in Colorado? Read More »

How Does Colorado Handle DUI Expungements?

Why Can a Colorado DUI Conviction Be Detrimental to Your Future? A DUI arrest can have many immediate and serious impacts on your life. Your driver’s license may be suspended, and you could face many court dates as your innocence or guilt is determined. You will likely face jail time, fines, and other potential consequences

How Does Colorado Handle DUI Expungements? Read More »

What Tests are Used to Determine Impairment in Marijuana DUI Cases?

How Can Officers Tell if a Person is Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana? Despite the legalization of marijuana in Colorado for both medicinal and recreational purposes, driving under the influence of marijuana remains illegal and can result in serious consequences. The state’s laws aim to deter motorists from driving while impaired by imposing strict

What Tests are Used to Determine Impairment in Marijuana DUI Cases? Read More »

How Can Expunging a DUI Impact My Employment Opportunities in Colorado?

How Can a DUI Cause Difficulties in Your Career? A DUI conviction in Colorado can severely hinder your ability to secure new employment or advance in your current job. Many employers conduct background checks, and a DUI conviction can be viewed negatively, potentially indicating a more significant issue such as alcoholism. This can lead to

How Can Expunging a DUI Impact My Employment Opportunities in Colorado? Read More »

What Distinguishes a DUI-D from Other DUI Charges?

What is DUI charge? A DUI charge stands for driving under the influence. Specific DUI or DWI charges are emphasized depending on what state you reside in. In Colorado, the typical terminology used is a DUI, which is an alcohol-related driving offense law in the state. You are considered “under the influence” if a blood

What Distinguishes a DUI-D from Other DUI Charges? Read More »

How Can Roadside Sobriety Test Results Be Challenged in Court?

Is There Any Point in Fighting DUI Charges? Driving under the influence (DUI) is considered a serious crime in every American jurisdiction. While people often think of license suspensions and ignition interlock devices (IIDs), a conviction for impaired driving can also lead to substantial fines and jail time. Unfortunately, many people think that fighting such

How Can Roadside Sobriety Test Results Be Challenged in Court? Read More »